At St John's C of E Primary Academy we believe that all children have the right to an inclusive education, and work hard to ensure the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are met.
It is our intention for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) to ensure that all children receive a high-quality education regardless of need or disability. We ensure that all of our children are equipped with the tools and strategies needed to become inquisitive learners both inside and outside of the classroom.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Mrs Rudd, is responsible for coordinating the support for SEND pupils and developing the school's SEND policy to make sure all children get a consistent, high quality response to meeting their needs in school. She monitors interventions and analyses the progress of SEND pupils to ensure they are receiving quality teaching and intervention.
Through our high-quality teaching and planning we:
Maximise opportunities for progress through early identification and intervention.
Ensure all children have access to a broard and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated appropriately to ensure all children can understand and access it.
Provide a learning environment which is tailored to meet the individual needs of all learners.
Regularly monitor the progress of all children through pupil progress meetings
Provide relevant training to staff to ensure that they can develop an appropriate curriculum
Work closely with parents and carers
Work closely with outside agencies. These include Inclusion Support and Speech and Language Therapists
Keep the child at the centre of all decisions and actions to meet their needs.
At St John's pupils with SEND will:
Be included in all aspects of the school day
Be provided with quality-first differentiated teaching
Be respected and have their contributions acknowledged
Have access to small group interventions to support reading, maths and English
Have specific 1:1 support when needed
School staff and leadership will:
Work alongside agencies and implement recommendations set by professionals
Systematically check learners’ understanding, identifying misconceptions and providing feedback to pupils, which in turn informs future planning and teaching of all pupils with SEND.
Review targets each term to ensure that children with a SEND need are receiving a tailored curriculum.
Endeavour to include all pupils with SEND in all school activities, making reasonable adjustments when needed. SEND pupils are included in the school’s growth mind-set ethos and encouraged to work independently and make progress at their level.
We aim to identify the needs of pupils with SEND at an early stage and follow a graduated response to their level of need. The school follows this graduated response:
Raise concerns with the SENCO.
Make reasonable adjustments to the curriculum.
Set SMART targets
Involve outside professionals where appropriate.
Consider applying for applying for statutory assessment.
Follow a cycle of assess, plan, review, making necessary adjustments to the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils.
SEND Policies and Information Reports
You can find links to the following key policies on our policies page: